Nov 20, 2009

How to write C program in Vistual Studio 2008

This Microsoft Knowledge base is here,
And I also get a helpful tutorial in .

Nov 13, 2009

Visual Studio 2005 convert to 2008 error: The project is under source control

Today I solved a problem when I tried to covert visual studio 2005 project to visual studio 2008 project, I met a prolem "The project is under source control". My solution is:
1, make all the read only files to readable (uncheck the readonly checkbox)
2, open the *.csproj file with UltraEdit, and remove the four lines of tags which begin with "Scc"


No, it's OK now.

Nov 12, 2009

ClearCase Delete Stream on the Server

Thanks my colleague- Heberling, John
He wrote a very helpful script.

Here are the steps:
1, Delete the local view in CCRC
2, use the script /h/clearadm/desc_stream.ksh zhang5_NPAT_R2_4_SP_SPR2 /neo/neoview_pv to see whether there are views or other dependencies on it. Only when all the views or dependencies are deleted, you can delete the stream.
3, use /h/clearadm/rmstream.ksh zhang5_NPAT_R2_4_SP_SPR2 /neo/neoview_pv to delete stream. It will prompt confirmation, you could type in yes.

More details:
a) desc_stream.ksh is the script to run this command:
"cleartool desc stream:zhang5_NPAT_R2_4_SP_SPR@/neo/neoview_pv", because @ sign can't be input in the system.
b) to use the command cleartool, you should add /opt/rational/clearcase/bin to the path. export PATH="/opt/rational/clearcase/bin:$PATH"
c) to log on server, we use: telnet servername..., for example, telnet cacview1, and then logon with your ClearCase user ID and password.

rmstream.ksh is the script to run this command:
cleartool rmstream zhang5_NPAT_R2_4_SP_SPR@/neo/neoview_pv

Nov 3, 2009

IBM Rational ClearCase Remote Client Language Settings

Language problem for CCRC-
IBM ClearCase Remote Client gets the location settings of the computer from control panel settings, so if in control panel settings, you are in China, the CCRC will launch as a Chinese version, but how can I use the English version?
Here is the method:

Start->All Programs->IBM Rational-> Right click the icon of CCRC,
add -Duser.language=en_US, then the whole string looks like

"C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\ClearCase701\CCRC\ccrc.exe" -vmargs -Xj9 -Duser.language=en_US

Then it works in English version.