Jan 6, 2014

A Great Search Tool: Everything

Good tools can make your life easier, this is the moment in my head a famous advertise quote plays in loop:
Technology improves life...

I found a tool that fits in this category, the name is

The official site is: http://www.voidtools.com/
Everything is a tool that can quick search all files in your disk. You can type the name you want to search and the tool list all the files which name contain the keyword. Three things make the tool extraordinary:
No. 1: the index file it very small
No. 2: the tool itself is small
No. 3: search result is shown immediately.

Besides, it has a zip version if you don't need to install from a installer.

For example, if I want to search search "javascript"
The result is shown immediately in the list, and we can double click to open it or right click a file and choose "Open path" to open the folder in windows explorer.

Moreover, it supports regular expression and FTP... In all, a good tool to use.

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