Sep 9, 2013

Download mp3 in embedded player - Using fiddler

We all have experiences that  we open a webpage and have listened to a wonderful song, and we want to save it. But many times the song is played by a Flash player, or to say, it's embedded. Like the picture shown below:

How can find the source of the audio file and start to download it?

Here comes the solution - Fiddler
Fiddler is a great tool that helps you analyze web traffic, for more information you can refer to

1. I opened the webpage and start to analyze the web traffic
For example, the webpage is:

2. Through analysis on the web traffic,

I found that it's calling a api to play audio, and the JSON result is the songURL.

3. I put the song URL in browser and get a way to save the music.

OK, that's done.

I also would like to share the song and the lyric.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allavsoft also works great to download music from youtube, spotify, soundcloud etc